We have planted 11 new readings for the Fertile Ground Festival, from April 12-21, 2024. Grab your pass and check out all of the fresh offerings.

We have planted 11 new readings for the Fertile Ground Festival, from April 12-21, 2024. Grab your pass and check out all of the fresh offerings.
La RondeStorm is a collectively written piece in the style of Arthur Schnitzler’s classic 1897 roundelay play, La Ronde.
Fertile Ground Festival: February 2-6, 2022
Watch FREE online and DONATE to support LineStorm here.
Featuring: Sara Jean Accuardi, Brianna Barrett, Audrey Block, Susan Faust, Heath Hyun Houghton, Dan Kitrosser, E. M. Lewis, Matt Pavik, Holly Richards, and Rich Rubin
LineStorm Playwrights presents:
Please join us for an online reading
of a brand-new play by E. M. Lewis
February 1, 2022, at 7:00 p.m.
Cast: John San Nicolas, Eric Pargac, Vin Shambry, Josh Weinstein, and Barbie Wu.
In rural Washington, three old friends join forces to search for a lost variety of apple called “The Golden Hawk. APPLE HUNTERS! is about finding friends, saving family, and figuring out what matters.
To get your FREE ticket to this Zoom reading, please sign up here through Eventbrite. You will then receive an email with instructions on how to log in on February 1 at 7:00 p.m. to see the live Zoom reading!
Dan Kitrosser directed Alissa Jessup’s one-woman show, an ArtsWatch highlight.
Read more about FEZZIWIG’S FORTUNE by Josie Seid and Sara Jean Accuardi in a delightful piece by Oregon ArtsWatch.
“Fezziwig tells his daughter, “To me, you were the brightest of lights.” Even on a screen, Fezziwig’s Fortune is a light unto itself. Just think how brightly it will shine when it makes it to the stage.”
Dan Kitrosser directed Alissa Jessup’s one-woman show CHOSEN for Fertile Ground.
Streaming February 7-15, 2021.
Willamette Week says: “Chosen chronicles a trip Jessup took to Colfax, Wash., where she first met Donna. I expected the journey to lead to a rumination on nature and nurture, but Jessup has no time for binary simplicities—her performance overflows with love for both the mother who raised her and the mother who gave birth to her. Spoiling the rest of Chosen would be abominable, which is just as well—the show is difficult to talk about, think about or write about without weeping.”
LineStorm has three delicious lunchtime offerings this year.
by Matthew Miller
Thursday, January 28 @ NOON
Sara Jean Accuardi, Audrey Block, Susan Faust,
Dan Kitrosser, E. M. Lewis, Matt Pavik, Josie Seid, and Lolly Ward
Thursday, February 4 @ NOON
by Sara Jean Accuardi & Josie Seid
Saturday, February 6 @ NOON
Josie Seid discusses and reads from her current projects with Community Profile.
Let Us Step Into These Human Skins
Read the Portland Tribune‘s hot take here.
As they say, “Fertile Ground: the scramble begins,” with LineStorm’s Lunchtime Reading Series adding to the flavor.