Look up to the sky with playwright Susan Faust’s wrenching and soaring “CLOUD ILLUSIONS.” Read all 25 plays in our anthology, out March 15, 2022, from Applause Books.
LineStorm Playwrights Present GO PLAY OUTSIDE

Look up to the sky with playwright Susan Faust’s wrenching and soaring “CLOUD ILLUSIONS.” Read all 25 plays in our anthology, out March 15, 2022, from Applause Books.
LineStorm Playwrights Present GO PLAY OUTSIDE
Playwright Sara Jean Accuardi may look still, but she’s actually “ORBITING THE SUN”! Read all 25 plays in our anthology, out March 15, 2022, from Applause Books.
LineStorm Playwrights Present GO PLAY OUTSIDE
Josie Seid haunts us with love, loss, and an unforgettable melody in “THE THING ABOUT LIGHTHOUSES.” Read all 25 plays in our anthology, out March 15, 2022, from Applause Books.
LineStorm Playwrights Present GO PLAY OUTSIDE
We’re excited to announce the 25 playwrights who will be published in our upcoming anthology with Applause Books.
LineStorm is collaborating with Applause Books to put out a collection of ten-minute plays set in the great outdoors.
We’re accepting plays for one month or 200 submissions, so please see our GO PLAY OUTSIDE page for all the details.
We’re excited to read your work!